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How to Fork Skatehive 🛹

We are going to make this tutorial to anyone that wants to create his own skatehive powered portal like https://skatehive.app

You are going to have to install some stuff in your machine to get your development enviroment ready.

The code is still a little messy but I invite you to be part of this learning journey with us. This doc will always be updated at: https://docs.skatehive.app


  • Install Git and set Github account
  • Set up Github SSH Keys
  • Forking the Repository
  • Clone/Download the Repository
  • Download and Install NodeJs
  • Install pnpm
  • Install Dependencies with pnpm
  • Change .env variables
  • Run it with pnpm dev
  • Made some modification just 4 fun
  • Push your changes to github
  • Putting it online, deploy your version with vercel

Install Git and set Github account

Download and install Git in your local machine. That will enable you to execute git commands in your terminal, like git clone and other wizardlies

Download Git Learn More about git and its instalation

Create a Github Account

Just sign up

Set up Github SSH keys

In order to make the process more smooth we are going to set up an SSH connection by generating SSH keys.

  1. Open you terminal

  2. Type the following command

    use the same email you used to create the github account

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"

This creates a new SSH key, using the provided email as a label.

  1. Start the ssh-agent in the background
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  1. Copy the contents of the id_ed25519.pub file to your clipboard
  • For Mac users: pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub

  • For Windows users: clip < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub

and give it a Title and paste the contet in Key Alt ​​text

Full SSH Tutorial

Fork the repository

Click Fork Button

Alt ​​text

This will create your own version of the repo in your account:

Alt ​​text

Ok, now you are going to clone the repository of files into your machine, which is basically download the app:

git clone git@github.com:<your-username>/<your-fork>.git

Alt ​​text

Now navigate to the cloned repository by:

cd <your-fork>

In this case,

cd nextskateapp

For the next step we are going to need to install some more programs in your machine to complete your enviroment and finally install and run the application.

Download and install Node.Js

Nothing fancy here, just install and make sure you leave the add to path option marked.

Install pnpm Here or

npm install -g pnpm

More ways to install Yarn

If you got Nodejs, npm, yarn and weed/coffee you can now install and and run it on your local machine.

Back to Terminal...

In the repository folder

pnpm i

Note: This command will automatically install all the required JavaScript packages and dependencies for your project, as specified in the package.json file. Yarn will download and configure everything needed to run your Skatehive portal. This step ensures that you have all the necessary libraries and tools in your development environment to build and run the application.

Alt ​​text Wait a little, drink some "coffee"...

You should see that when its over: Alt ​​text

If you get an error in any step you can throw it in chat-gpt or ask us in skatehive discord and see which one helps you faster

Rename .env.example to .env

Rename .env.example and choose the hive community you want to get/upload content from/to. For example, if you use hive-173115 you get skatehive, if you use hive-141964 in community field you get surfhive


NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_URL=http://localhost:3000/ NEXT_PUBLIC_HIVE_COMMUNITY_TAG=xxxxxxxxxxx NEXT_PUBLIC_PINATA_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NEXT_PUBLIC_PINATA_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NEXT_PUBLIC_PINATA_GATEWAY_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NEXT_PUBLIC_CRYPTO_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NEXT_PUBLIC_OPENAI_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NEXT_PUBLIC_ETHERSCAN_API=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Now run the application you just installed:

pnpm dev

Alt ​​text

Now open https://localhost:3000 and you are going to see the same app as https://skatehive.app

Alt ​​text

That means that you are running the app using your own computer as a server through the port 3000

You can now try to edit your code in a code editor, I recommend VSCode, but my Jedi Master recommends JetBrains

I usually use code . command in the terminal folder to easily open the folder I am working in VScode

Make a silly change, like change the footer of it.

Alt ​​text

This project is built with TypeScript and incorporates Chakra UI for the frontend. For Hive-related tasks, we rely on the Keychain SDK and dhive libraries. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with Ethereum, Bitcoin, and various other blockchains, we leverage the capabilities of Pioneer-React.

Stage Changes:

Before sending to github its good to:

pnpm build:turbo 

and test its build locally !

git add .

to prepare your changes for commit.

Commit Changes:

git commit -m "Changed header color".

Commit with a message

Push to GitHub:

git push origin main

Push your changes

Now you can go to your github account and check if the it was updated

Putting your website online

Go to vercel.com

  1. Make an account with your github account Alt ​​text

  2. Install Github Extension it offers

  3. Select the repository Alt ​​text

  4. Click in Deploy

You should see something like this:

Alt ​​text

You can navigate now to:


and see your own hive community.

Congrats! That's so cool, you put a permissionless website online! Go show your mama, say that I miss her.